CD Practico: Seleccion De Shareware
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** What's New in the NAV Virus Definitions Files WHATSNEW.TXT **
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** Symantec AntiVirus Research Center (SARC) October 1, 1997 **
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This document contains the following topics:
* Update Overview
* Virus Alerts
* Changes Incorporated Into This Update
* Additional Information
** Update Overview **
The definition set contains 121 new virus definitions, providing even
more complete protection against viruses, trojans, and other malicious
programs. Our macro family detection is made even stronger with the
addition of definitions for the DNTC, Muck, and Switcher families of
macro viruses.
** Virus Alerts **
The ten most commonly reported viruses, worldwide:
1 WM.Concept
2 Form.A
3 One_Half.3544
4 AntiEXE.A
5 Stoned.Empire.Monkey.A
6 Junkie
7 Sat_Bug.Natas.4744
8 AntiCMOS.A
9 Natas.4744
10 WM.Wazzu
Be on the alert for the following viruses in the following regions:
AntiCMOS.A USA, Europe
AntiEXE USA, Europe, India, Japan
Jumper Southern Europe
Junkie Europe, Asia and Australia
NYB North America
One_Half Europe, India and Mexico
Parity_Boot Central and Northern Europe
Sat_Bug.Natas Central and South America
WM.Concept Worldwide
WM.Wazzu Worldwide
** Changes Incorporated Into This Virus Definitions Update **
New virus definitions:
cHaN (1) Boot Infector
cHaN (2) Boot Infector
CLS.Win.Joke.34520(1) File Infector
CLS.Win.Joke.34520(2) File Infector
Digi.3547 File Infector
HLLC.6401 File Infector
HLLC.6401 (2) File Infector
HLLO.Aids.6528 File Infector
HLLO.Aids.7504 File Infector
HLLP.Zoai.9535 File Infector
Maverick.1536.B File Infector
PWSTEAL.Trojan (10) File Infector
PWSTEAL.Trojan (11) File Infector
PWSTEAL.Trojan (9) File Infector
RustyBug.5850 (1) File Infector
RustyBug.5850 (2) File Infector
RustyBug.5850 (3) File Infector
Werewolf.1367 (1) File Infector
Werewolf.1367 (2) File Infector
Werewolf.1367 (3) File Infector
WM.Alien.G File Infector
WM.Appder.K File Infector
WM.Bandung.BB File Infector
WM.Bandung.BC File Infector
WM.Cap.AB File Infector
WM.Cap.AC File Infector
WM.Cap.AD File Infector
WM.Cap.AE File Infector
WM.Cap.AF File Infector
WM.Cap.AH File Infector
WM.Cap.AI File Infector
WM.Cap.AJ File Infector
WM.Cap.AK File Infector
WM.Cap.AL File Infector
WM.Cap.AM File Infector
WM.Cap.AN File Infector
WM.Cap.AO File Infector
WM.Cap.AQ File Infector
WM.Cap.AR File Infector
WM.Cap.AS File Infector
WM.Chaka.A File Infector
WM.Clock.L:De File Infector
WM.Colors.BP File Infector
WM.Colors.BQ File Infector
WM.Concept.BI File Infector
WM.Concept.BJ File Infector
WM.Concept.BK File Infector
WM.Concept.BL File Infector
WM.Concept.BM File Infector
WM.Concept.BN File Infector
WM.Concept.BO File Infector
WM.Dakota.A File Infector
WM.Divina.I File Infector
WM.Divina.J File Infector
WM.DMV.H File Infector
WM.DNTC Family File Infector
WM.EMT.A File Infector
WM.Gas.A File Infector
WM.Goggles.A File Infector
WM.Goodnight.D File Infector
WM.Goodnight.E File Infector
WM.Head.A File Infector
WM.Hybrid.J File Infector
WM.Johnny.O File Infector
WM.Kompu.G File Infector
WM.Lox.B File Infector
WM.MDMA.AA File Infector
WM.MDMA.Z File Infector
WM.Mess.A File Infector
WM.Minimal.S File Infector
WM.Minimal.T File Infector
WM.Muck Family File Infector
WM.Muck.J File Infector
WM.Muck.K File Infector
WM.Muck.M File Infector
WM.Muck.N File Infector
WM.Muck.O File Infector
WM.Muck.P File Infector
WM.Muck.Q File Infector
WM.NJ-WMDLK1.A File Infector
WM.Nop.N File Infector
WM.Npad.CT File Infector
WM.Npad.CU File Infector
WM.Npad.CV File Infector
WM.Npad.CW File Infector
WM.Npad.CX File Infector
WM.Npad.CY File Infector
WM.Npad.CZ File Infector
WM.Npad.DB File Infector
WM.Npad.DC File Infector
WM.Npad.DD File Infector
WM.Nuclear.S File Infector
WM.Nuclear.T File Infector
WM.Oblom.E File Infector
WM.Schumann.B:De File Infector
WM.ShowOff.BX File Infector
WM.ShowOff.BY File Infector
WM.ShowOff.BZ File Infector
WM.ShowOff.CA File Infector
WM.ShowOff.CB File Infector
WM.ShowOff.CC File Infector
WM.ShowOff.CD File Infector
WM.ShowOff.CE File Infector
WM.Spiral.A File Infector
WM.SuperStitious.A File Infector
WM.Switcher Family File Infector
WM.Switcher.E File Infector
WM.Switcher.F File Infector
WM.Swlabs.H File Infector
WM.Temple.D File Infector
WM.Temple.E File Infector
WM.Want.A:Tw File Infector
WM.Wazzu.CP File Infector
WM.Wazzu.CQ File Infector
WM.Wazzu.CR File Infector
WM.Wazzu.CS File Infector
WM.Wazzu.CT File Infector
WM.Wazzu.CU File Infector
WM.Wazzu.CV File Infector
XM.Laroux.F File Infector
XRCE.464 File Infector
CLS.Win.Joke.34520 File Infector
Replaced with CLS.Win.Joke.34520(1) and (2).
ExeKill.OW.8117 File Infector
Test Virus-B File Infector
Removed due to false positives.
Name Changes:
Eddy.1482 to Eddy.1482 (1)
WM.Muck.J to WM.Muck.L
WM.Cap.Family to WM.Cap Family
** Additional Information **
Additional information regarding this virus definitions update can be